Besides restoration work, I build my own instruments using traditional techniques of 18th-century Italian violin makers. My models are based on the Cremonese and Venetian instruments.

  • For large audience concert violins, I like to choose the Stradivari models of the “golden period”, and those of the Guarneri family as references models for my instruments making: Pietro Giovanni Guarneri, who settled in Mantua, and Giuseppe Giovanni Baptista, also called “Joseph Filius”, both sons of Andrea, as well as the two sons of Josepf filius, “Pietro di Venezia”, who left Cremona for Venice in 1718, and the most famous, the great Giuseppe Guarneri said “Del Gesù”, whose powerful instruments are particularly well-suited to soloists.
  • For violas, Andrea Guarneri, Antonio Stradivari, but also authors from other schools, like Giovanni Baptista Guadagnini, are a great choice.
  • Regarding cellos, my preference goes to the Venetian school, whose Master was Domenico Montagnana. His instruments are wider and consequently provide a very deep and penetrating voice. I also build after models of Antonio Stradivari, Francesco Ruggieri, and others.

Constructing baroque instruments gives me a great deal of satisfaction because it leaves more freedom for creativity. I mostly use Amati models, for their refinement and elegance, as well as those of the Brescia school, like Maggini.

If you wish to buy an instrument, you can make an appointment and specify what you are looking for. You will have the opportunity to try some of the instruments I have in my studio. Some artists prefer to order their instruments. In this way, they can choose the wood, the model, the varnish and follow the instrument’s construction.

To learn more > Crafting – Complete procedure

M. Menanteau, Rome 2010